Jesus was fully God, yet He was also fully man. He experienced the full spectrum of human emotions. God became man, and because of that, we have a friend in Jesus. Whatever it is we are experiencing, He gets us.


One crucial test of the Gospel transforming lives is not can we love, get along with and live in community with people like us, but can we love, get along and live in community with those unlike us. At North Church, we value diversity. We embrace a multicultural, multiethnic and multigenerational church that reflects the heart of God.

Today, Pastor Rodney preaches a dynamic message of the divine power in diversity and how people will be astonished that we can't be divided.


In the second week of our series, "He Gets Us", Pastor Rodney preaches from the 9th chapter of Acts to show us that God loves us so much that He'll do whatever He must to get our attention when we are headed down the wrong path. Pastor urges us to trust God with our apprehensions and watch Him use us as agents for change. Listen and be challenged.


Pastor Samson opens up our new series entitled, "He Gets Us" and uses the story of Shiprah and Puah in the first chapter of Exodus to show us that no matter what the enemy tries to plan against us, God's plan is always bigger and while it may look like the enemy is winning, there is victory in Jesus! Listen and be challenged today.