The Good News about Jesus goes way beyond anything anyone can ever imagine. What is your biggest challenge? Just fill in the blank, for he is the answer. What is your greatest longing? For this too he is the only One who can supply what is needed.


Pastor Rodney preaches a powerful message from Mark 3. We learn first that Jesus is concerned about our heart. We also learn the difference between a healthy heart and a hard heart, and how we can have a healthy heart.

Last week, we learned that Jesus is concerned about our heart. This week, Pastor Rodney shows us that Jesus is also concerned about our mind. We learn two things that are vitally important to having a healthy mind. First, we learn to acknowledge the presence, pattern, and power of evil. Second, we learn to surrender to the presence, pattern, and power of Jesus.

For the final week of this series, Pastor Rodney teaches us that Jesus is concerned about our life being fruitful. We look at the story of Jesus and the fig tree from Mark chapter 11, and we learn how important it is for believers to have a genuinely fruitful life.