How do we outlast the storms, droughts, and scorching heat of life? Like a tree planted by streams of water, the believer who is connected to the Source of ALL LIFE can overcome every challenge in life. In this series, we will look at the books of Psalms and Jeremiah to understand what it means to be planted in God.


In week four of our Planted series, we are joined by special guest Darryl Wootton. He teaches us about the importance of having deep roots. We learn that the only way to survive, and continue to thrive, during the “dustbowls” of our lives is to have a deep faith in our Savior.


Pastor Samson continues our Planted series, speaking over Jeremiah 12. He talks about true integrity, which is going to God when things get hard and trusting in His ceaseless love.


Pastor Samson continues our Planted series speaking out of Jeremiah and asks us two questions: What’s your calling? & What’s your excuse? He challenges us to give our best to God now and follow Jesus obediently.


In our new series Planted, the residents take over and share what being planted truly looks like. We learn that being planted means being patient, going deeper, committing to reality, and knowing your source.