Some things in life are just hard to swallow, especially when you do the right thing and the outcome is not what you were expecting. One can feel disappointed by the results, let down by people you trusted, and even God can seem distant. But eventually God comes to the faithful and he will use your struggle to bring hope to others.


Pastor Clint kicks off our new series with a spectacular message about Joseph and his dreams. We learn that Joseph’s dreams set him apart. They made him special. They also set him up for suffering. He faced some really hard things because of his dreams. Finally, we see how Joseph’s dreams ultimately led him to the life that God had planned for him.

This week, Pastor Rodney teaches us about what it takes to endure hardships well and to live out God’s purpose for our lives, the way that Joseph did. We learn to be people who are full of hope, humility, and the Holy Spirit.

For the final week of our Plot Twist series, Pastor Samson preaches from Genesis 48. We look deeper at Joseph’s family tree, and learn about the fruitfulness that came because he chose to forgive. Joseph’s father, Jacob, reminds us that God’s providence is greater than our performance. Finally, we see how God ultimately redeemed Jacob’s family tree, and how He can redeem ours.

For the second week of our Plot Twist series, Pastor Rodney preaches an impactful sermon about doing the right thing. We look at the life of Joseph, and learn how we can continue to choose the right thing in spite of circumstances or temptations that we face.


As our series over the life of Joseph continues, Pastor Rodney teaches from Genesis 45. This week we learn about having a shriving mindset, and the value of showing people mercy and kindness.